Tech Talk: Trezy and the Games Industry Labeler & Game Dev Feed
Trezy built a Games Industry Labeler, including self-labeled and verified accounts, moderated with an Ozone instance, as well maintaining a Game Dev Feed.

Trezy runs the Games Industry Labeler and a Game Dev feed. What does that mean??? It means that he has created and manages a custom feed, and is running a labeler specifically for the games industry.
Games Industry Labeler
Labelers on Bluesky were originally designed for moderation, but are now used for all sorts of things. The Games Industry Labeler can be subscribed to, so that users can see badges applied by it.
As it says in the image, labels are applied manually, and people can request their own labels. Here's an example of many of the labels:

Not just devs! People can self-label as many different types (including multiple) within the games industry.

Finally, these "green checkmarks" ✅ are verified, including for accounts for games, studios, etc.
You can follow the instructions on using the labeler here:
The first step is to send a DM to the labeler! The DM icon is removed from labeler profiles, but it can still be messaged. 1️⃣ Open your DMs ("Chat" on the Bluesky sidebar) 2️⃣ Click the plus icon (mobile) or the "New Chat" button (desktop) 3️⃣ Type in 4️⃣ Say hello!
— Trezy ( 2024-10-23T21:23:43.491Z
This is managed in part by an Ozone instance, the moderation tool that Bluesky has open sourced for others to use.
Game Dev Feed

As well as the industry labeler, Trezy maintains a Game Dev Feed.
More generally, if you're in the games industry and want to get the most out of Bluesky, read Trezy's game dev orientation:
First things first, you need to write up your intro skeet! Don’t bother making it a reply in any of the intro threads, tho… we’ll get to that in a bit. Include the #GameDev tag to ensure your intro shows up in the game dev feed. 😍
— Trezy ( 2024-09-13T17:51:52.746Z
Support Trezy
Trezy builds, maintains, and verifies the feed & labeler. He also runs where they make cool games, and is the Director of DX @ Loophole Labs. He's a software engineer and a wannabe cyborg. Trezy has worked on tons of FOSS that's used by hundreds of thousands of projects all over the world, and fortunate enough to work with world-renowned brands like Amazon, Disney, Eventbrite, Getty Images, and GoPro.
If you'd like to support his work, you can donate on Ko-Fi.
Join us Thursday, November 21st, at 9am PT / 5pm UTC. Please register on Luma for the Zoom link, you may also RSVP on Smoke Signal using your AT Protocol account.
The playlist of Tech Talks is also available
Slides from Speakerdeck:
00:16:18 Signing in to your Zoom account on multiple devices
00:16:40 Boris Mann (
00:16:53 yay hacks!
00:18:10 Boris Mann ( We can take questions along the way
00:18:22 Jean-Yves COUËT: Reacted to "We can take question..." with 👍
00:21:29 Boris Mann ( “Intro skeets”
00:22:11 oh yeah using moderation lists, before user lists, to make feeds. that was the barren days
00:22:45 Boris Mann (
00:22:51 Sebastian: It’s hacks all the way down
00:22:52 Boris Mann ( 6/25/2023 !!!
00:23:27 chapel: It's because the camera feed
00:23:33 or maybe just low rez
00:23:41 😂
00:24:01 chapel: Are you using obs webcam feed?
00:24:28 Laurens: Lists via mutelists was so funny
00:24:32 chapel: You can just join the zoom from the other computer and screenshare from there
00:24:49 Kristo Jorgenson: Curious how you made the gamedev news feed, how do posts get in there?
00:25:02 Sebastian: Reacted to "Curious how you made…" with ❤️
00:25:14 Kristo Jorgenson: cool : )
00:25:20 Ezra Henley ( better
00:25:28 chapel: yeah!
00:25:28 much clearer
00:25:32 chapel: looks great!
00:26:10 Boris Mann (
00:27:02 Boris Mann ( is a hosting Platform as a Service (PasS) for easily hosting apps
00:28:00 shout out to
00:28:15 Boris Mann (
00:28:24 Boris Mann (
00:29:03 Laurens: Moderation turned into bling is one of my fav bsky parts
00:29:34 Laurens: Juliet
00:29:58 Boris Mann ( Juliet!
00:30:15 chapel: Reacted to "Juliet! https://bsky..." with 🎉
00:30:30 Juliet ( — Bluesky
00:31:24 Boris Mann ( Ozone
00:34:52 Boris Mann ( Just in time features!
00:35:25 can you give examples of data you verified, in that 2nd phase? [email protected] or bluesky link on website?
00:39:35 Kristo Jorgenson: Do you also use ozone to curate your feeds, for example if there is a false positive on a feed it can be reported as such and taken off?
00:39:51 that's waaaaay to many for starter packs. might need a simple hosted app to let people oauth and follow a list
00:39:57 Laurens: Gotta run, thanks trezy!
00:45:11 Boris Mann (
00:48:07 Chris Boscolo: Can you speak to where the labels live in terms of the atproto software arch?
00:49:38 Boris Mann ( Labeler endpoint that a PDS can hit
00:50:24 Boris Mann (
00:50:36 Boris Mann ( There’s an app.bsky.labeler.service Lexicon
00:50:48 Boris Mann (
00:51:07 Boris Mann ( So technically, the labeler values are in the PDS for the account
00:52:31 chapel: Not sure if said, you can only subscribe to 20 labelers
00:52:59 Boris Mann ( Wow. Translated too!
00:54:04 Boris Mann ( Replying to "Not sure if said, yo..."
Did not know that!
00:54:18 Boris Mann ( Upvotes only!
00:55:36 Bruno: (sorry my mic is not working) We were used to platforms hostile to links, but now we can post links again and even embeds of YouTube and other external sources. So here is a wild idea: what about support to small embedded web games in Bluesky posts?
00:55:54 Boris Mann ( @Bruno I’m hosting a talk next week about this
00:55:57 Boris Mann ( So, yes!
00:56:03 Bruno: Reacted to So, yes! with "🎉"
00:56:16 chapel: Replying to "Not sure if said, yo..."
Yeah, hit that today. Makes sense though, because it has to specify each labeler that it wants to add to post/profile requests in the header
00:56:36 Boris Mann ( (It’s a hard problem and lots of security issues, but we can experiment today in third party clients)
00:57:44 Bruno: Reacted to (It’s a hard problem... with "👍"
00:58:26 Ezra Henley ( How much work did you have to do to set up the chatbot inside Ozone? Could Bluesky change Ozone so that whenever a labeler gets a DM those DMs are able to be seen within Ozone?
00:59:09 Sebastian: Reacted to "(sorry my mic is not…" with ❤️
01:01:46 Chris Boscolo: What (ToS) AI protections do game devs have on atproto?
01:04:15 Sebastian: Would it make sense to fork ozone and build out a “positive labeler” app?
01:04:20 Sebastian: lol yeah
01:07:12 Boris Mann ( Replying to "What (ToS) AI protec..."
You’re up next
01:08:01 Ezra Henley ( Would it make sense to have a different number of labelers you can subscribe to, one number for positive and one number for negative? (Sidenote, I'd like to see "positive" labels be called Badges instead of labels and have first-party support, instead of having labels be used for both)
01:08:26 Boris Mann ( Replying to "Would it make sense ..."
Yeah getting set on end user language would be good
01:09:06 Boris Mann ( Replying to "Would it make sense ..."
Nick has some fancier “badges” work that works totally differently, but people mostly want to figure out how to tie into stuff that is active in the default clients
01:10:05 Nick Gerakines (he/him): Yeah, I have mixed feelings because I think identity verification, identity associations, and labeling are different things with different purposes, but because we don't have explicit functionality, we're left to using what we have to fill in the gaps.
01:10:36 Hilary Baumann - Reacted to "Would it make sense ..." with 👍
01:10:48 chapel: Reacted to "Would it make sense ..." with 👍
01:10:49 Hilary Baumann - Reacted to "Yeah, I have mixed f..." with 👍
01:13:37 Ezra Henley ( Replying to "Would it make sense ..."
Yea, bc "badges" should IMO be shown next to the user's handle as icons (one for each badge, and maybe the user can even see what badges they have natively so they can decide on order/which ones you have to click on the handle to see).
Labels make more sense as ways for users to both filter how they want to see certain content and to inform users on moderation decisions (so users can see an account is labeled as Intolerant, for example).
So I'd like to see them diverged, rather than all being "labels"
01:14:21 chapel: end users do not care about tech :D
01:14:37 Nick Gerakines (he/him): Reacted to "Yea, bc "badges" s..." with ☝️
01:14:44 Nick Gerakines (he/him): Reacted to "Yea, bc "badges" s..." with 💯
01:16:53 Boris Mann ( @Chris Boscolo go ahead and hand / unmute with your questions, my internet is maybe unstable now
01:17:16 imax hacked together a ticket system and re-wrote labeler, Experience and thoughts on community moderation on Bluesky | imax
01:17:24 Boris Mann ( This is why these talks exist
01:17:31 Boris Mann ( For people who are aiming to build core, larger things
01:17:44 andy: Reacted to "This is why these ta..." with 💙
01:17:55 Ezra Henley ( Reacted to "This is why these ta..." with 💙
01:18:29 Boris Mann ( All Trezy’s links
01:18:51 Hilary Baumann - Reacted to "imax hacked together..." with 👍
01:18:55 Chris Boscolo: Reacted to "This is why these ta..." with 💙
01:19:49 yeah i really wish all three discords had public links, i keep letting people know about them and they are shocked it exisists
01:20:09 chapel: Replying to "yeah i really wish a..."
api touchers is linked on the bluesky docs iirc
01:20:20 Boris Mann ( Replying to "yeah i really wish a..."
01:20:27 Boris Mann ( Replying to "yeah i really wish a..."
I made a DNS redirect
01:20:37 Nick Gerakines (he/him): Section 230 FTW
01:20:43 Boris Mann ( Replying to "Section 230 FTW"
For now...
01:21:11 Nick Gerakines (he/him): Reacted to "For now..." with 😬
01:21:38 Boris Mann ( I bought the Bluesky key caps.
01:21:42 lol you do you, call it what you llike
01:21:44 Boris Mann ( Absolutely installing the “Skeet” enter key
01:22:32 chapel: from your curated feeds :D
01:23:19 chapel: I actually had a series of replies about that, they are protected from Bluesky itself, but it is like putting your stuff on a website, anyone can scrape it
01:23:31 Nick Gerakines (he/him): It's a very soft "don't do it, please"
01:23:37 Sebastian: Reacted to "It's a very soft "do…" with 😂
01:24:16 Jean-Yves COUËT: clap clap, thx